Moodle Mobile - App for access to Moodle platform from mobile devices


Moodle Mobile


Moodle Mobile is an App developed by Moodle Community to facilitate access to Moodle platform from mobile devices.


Main features in Moodle Mobile

  • Mobile App. Available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.
  • Allows access to courses. We can access our courses and content, topics of the forums and download files to our device.
  • Calendar. Access to the calendar with event notification.
  • Reports. We can view our grades and activity reports.
  • Push Notifications. As other applications such as Whatsapp.
  • Support offline. Allow us to send notes and messages to other participants offline and synchronize when we have Internet.
  • Take pictures and videos. Photos, sound recordings and videos taken with the phone can be uploaded directly to your private files folder.
  • Contact with other participants.You can add a participant to your phone list of contacts, locate on GoogleMaps, or call him or her directly.
  • Customization. You can configure the theme or style of your platform to have a similar appearance.
  • Open Source. As always it is an open system that lets us develop our own plugins and add them.



Moodle Mobile (Infographic)


Moodle Mobile Infographic




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Gabit es e-learning, formación, publicación de cursos moodle, diseño web innovador y community management desde Galicia.